Wednesday 17 December 2014

Press and Online Journalism

Earlier, the word – Press, specifically referred to print media or newspapers to be precise. However, now there has been a change in the notion and it has come to envelope all forms of journalism or news reporting. It now includes TV, radio, newspaper as well as online news casting.

Since its sphere has now increased in multiple ways, it is now a generic term which is universally used to refer to news reporting on any medium or platforms. This has led to an encouragement and implementation of ethics principles or press, on all mediums alike. Therefore now these are applied to online journalism as well, which is also unbiased, honest and sincere reportage.

Like other media’s, online news also carries stories from across the world and the topics covered are vast and never endings. The details of any story, be it recent or one from the past. For instance, details of the case of the death of Lady Diana can still be found online easily and on the other hand, recent stories like Mary Kom winning Gold for India at Asiad is also reported with same journalistic ethics and can easily be searched on the World Wide Web.

Internet has made the concept of reporting more relevant and reachable. Now more people can quickly and conveniently access latest stories and recent updates. And also, the reports can more conveniently and quickly communicate and spread the message or broadcast to masses. This adds to the transparency of reporting, which is now more valued, than in earlier times, when this industry had monopoly and people could not know the public opinion about different updates.

Digital landscape has also helped in dissolving the boundaries for instance, earlier, India news was only broadcast in India, but now, people around the globe can view the updates happening in our nation and discuss share their points of view.

It has also become and interactive medium for public as well as the fourth estate to interact with each other. They can exchange views, make corrections, evaluate various aspects of reporting and validate through multiple sites. Public can now request support from press for promoting a campaign or researching more details on a particular case, essential to society, and also shoulder them in finding facts for the sake of honest reporting.